Comparison and productivity


There is an option to make a comparison of an existing situation and a new situation. This equation can be used to determine the savings and the payback time of the adjustments.


There are two steps that need to be done to get to a correct comparison. These are the calibration and then the simple payback time.

Equation setup


      Calibration: You start with the calibration. This means that a simulation must be made of the current situation. In order to verify that this simulation is in line with reality, the collection and redeliveries to the grid must be specified of one year. At the results of Energy & Costs, a summary of the values of the simulation and the values of the actual situation will be provided. This can be used to determine whether the simulation is correct or not and if there are still adjustments that have to be made to the model. You can perform this calibration for as long as the results are properly with acceptable deviation;

      Payback period: When you are ready with the calibration, you choose the option Payback period. The payback time is used to calculate how long it takes before an adjustment made to the existing situation is earned back. For example, applying better insulated HR + glass or PV panels that can make a difference in energy consumption. After completing this step, you can adjust the model to the adjusted situation. When you perform the Energy & Costa calculation you can see the payback time.

Equation reference

In order to make a comparison, there must be insight into the consumption of recent years. This consumption will be extended to the future in order to make a prediction of what energy would be used and generated in the coming years, if there is no adjustment. When the difference in expenditure between the current and the adjusted situation is known, the annual saving can therefore be calculated and thus the payback time.

Reference consumption

In this table you enter the monthly (calibration) or annual (simple payback time) reference consumption.

Payback period

Select here whether you want to specify a multi-yearly average as reference consumption or specify the reference consumption per year (annually).
