Cooling Load

With the Vabi Elements Cooling Load program you can make a cooling load calculation in accordance with the Cooling Load Standard NEN 5067, the method for determining the cooling capacity in rooms and buildings. The temperature is crucial for an optimal indoor climate in a building. To guarantee a pleasant temperature even in the summer, it must be calculated how much the cooling load in a building is.

Vabi Elements Cooling load can be used at an early stage of the design process to quickly get an indication of the required cooling capacity. In addition, the program also offers you the possibility to make a detailed and accurate simulation of the required cooling capacity per hour.

The Vabi Elements Cooling load software gives you insight through 3D visualization into the hourly cooling load of the individual rooms and of the building as a whole. Not only the maximum cooling load but also the time of occurrence is determined. The intelligent 3D geometry model offers you optimum control over shading of surrounding buildings, your own façade parts, overhangs and elevations on the roof. The cooling load calculation includes the influences of internal heat load as a result of people, equipment, lighting, the external heat load as a result of solar radiation and transmission and accumulation in the building mass.

Calculations based on

•     In accordance with NEN 5067;

•     Maximum cooling load per room and per building;

•     Automatic determination of the month with the heaviest cooling load;

•     Determination of tangible internal, external and latent cooling load;

•     Internal heat production (IWP) linked to various time schedules with occupancy rates;

•     Reduction of the cooling load due to an increase in the design temperature;

•     Infiltration rates (qv; 10) from outside the building and between the spaces to define or automatically determine;

•     Determine shading fractions just like Building simulation;

•     Possible shading to be carried by surrounding buildings and objects, protruding façade parts / curbs and windows located inwards;

•     Adjustable absolute humidity outside and in the rooms;

•     Sun protection with switching and switching levels;

•     Extra output via temperature and energy statistics.



NEN 5067:1985/A1:2009 nl

Cooling load calculation for buildings

NEN Normshop



ISSO Publicatie 8 (1985)

Calculation of the thermal behaviour of buildings at summer design conditions




ISSO Kleintje Koellast (2010, erratum 2011)

Determination Method for cooling in rooms and buildings
